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Alessia Balducci

my eyes were my first means of understanding and contact with the world.
photography, painting, art have nourished me for a long time, and so has film and audiovisual.
I love words and poetry
I love the arts that contaminate each other
I love everything that impacts my soul,
that moves something new, something unexpected, 
in the present I study the deep, ancestral connection that binds us to the elements, to nature, to the past and to the future.
I experiment in the space of the spiritual, in the animist and shamanic geography of consciousness.
in the field of the systemic, i tap into and listen to the ideomorphogenetic field in which i am immersed.

In my daily life, all the way I have made it leaves a mark and an imprint, which vibrates and resonates in the depths of my soul. I thank and honor my ancestors, my masters met in this life, in this dimension and in others, I celebrate with great joy all that has happened and that is happening, I feel full of gratitude for what is present in my life. I look confidently towards what is to come. Open, present and listening.

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